Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So I haven't posted for a while because my laptop crashed last week and I finally managed to get it fixed (here in Cairo multiply all times given to you by 2). So when the technician at Tradeline told me he'd fix the laptop in 2 hours, it took 5. I ended up losing a lot of my work, which I know need to do again. It was so mind-numbingly boring the first time, don't know how I'm going to get through it this time.
Anyway. I hope this is the end of a bad luck spree I've been having. Everything seems to be going wrong and it's really getting annoying. I did some soul searching to see if this was karma for something I've done recently but I can't figure out what for.

I just finished reading 2 amazing books I recommend: The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, and Border Passage (autobiography by Leila Ahmed, one of my favourite feminist writers). I will be posting more about her soon as she's said some things about Islam that have really influenced me.

1 comment:

kizzie said...

I'm sorry about sister Betty!:(:(

I can't wait for your reviews!